(ORCD 194) PODRIDÃO / CONVULSIVE / Convulsively Rotteness (CD)


(ORCD 194) PODRIDÃO / CONVULSIVE / Convulsively Rotteness (CD)
Release date 12nd April 2024

2x Rotten Death Metal bands comes from catacombs of Brazilian soil. 
No escape from stench of old skull Death Metal. You can taste it a lot with their 10 sick songs. 
Slowly, you are rotting!! 

1. Podridão - Tomb of Repugnant Stench
2. Podridão - Bind, Torture, Kill
3. Podridão - Blood Squirting
4. Podridão - Bacterial Growth
5. Podridão - Praise for Ancient Death
6. Convulsive - Demoni
7. Convulsive - Let Sleeping Corpses Lie
8. Convulsive - The Dead Walk
9. Convulsive - Return of the Living Dead
10. Convulsive - Re-Sonator

凄い腐ってるブラジルのオールドスクール・デスメタル 2バンド!!
その話題に2バンドによるスプリットアルバムが日本のObliteration Recordsから帯付きでリリース。オールドスクールデスメタルの腐敗成分が凝縮した死亡金属10曲を収録!!